Thoughts and wanderings

2021 Land Cruiser Heritage - Stage 2 TAV Spec
This customer left his Earthroamer and bought a 2021 Land Cruiser. He wanted something that he could travel in and be a bit more discreet. So check out this epic...

TAV SPEC Bed Replacement is dead
We no longer offer this as an option for bed replacements. But... We do offer flatbeds and replacements through Dirtbox Overland (USE CODE: TAVXDB5 for 5% off at checkout on...

Stage 2 Toyota Tundra 2021 Double Cab
This customer came to us wanting to build out his new 2021 Tundra sot hat it would still drive smooth while pulling a trailer. We ended up going with a...

Stage 1 2019 Toyota Tacoma TRD PRO
This customer wanted to have his vehicle handle better as he tows his Turtleback Trailer while out camping. This Stage One is built with that in mind. As always we...

Multicam Tacoma Stage 2
This is a project that we worked with Multicam on their marketing truck. The stage 2 Long bed Tacoma is running a plus 2" Race Series Long travel kit with...

RANGER GOAT Stage 3 Tacoma
In 2016 Walt brought The Ranger Goat into the company fleet. The Goat is much more than a truck. More than a vehicle. It is a memory. A remembrance of...

Wanderlost Project Stage 3 Tacoma
The Wanderlost Project Stage 3 Tacoma was created for a client in Vermont. This client has created an app called The Wanderlost Project. This app allows you to plan out your...